Create a Networking Flywheel

Create a Networking Flywheel

In business, have a bias towards transmitting insightful/actionable information that your contacts would feel comfortable sharing with their contacts. Sharing hearsay/hype is easy but generally doesn't galvanize others to go to bat for you. Many times we are referred to people who can add value to our professional lives through our friends but the person that is being referred to still does not have as much conviction in you as your friends do.

Bridge that gap by having your friends offer something unique about you whether it be a personal point of view or a recent win that can really help their contacts actually WANT to meet with you. This also helps your friends feel more comfortable referring you to more people over time because they feel impressed by your level of perspicacity and that they're not just making blanket referrals which they get hit up for all the time but are actually referring someone who is thoughtful and can add unique value. ‍

Oftentimes this can also lead to inbound marketing where people will hear about a unique perspective that you shared and they will come to you directly wanting to learn more and knowing that you are the sole source of that information. Many people think that in business communications you have to constantly play it safe by offering up trite platitudes or making a lot of small talk via email but the thing that really moves the needle is providing distinctive insights that folks haven't heard before that can be easily communicated to others. ‍

#Networking #BusinessTips #InboundMarketing #RelationshipBuilding #ThoughtLeadership #Referrals #BusinessCommunication
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